Friday, April 6, 2012

I want to run every day.

I'd like to run every day. Every blessed day.
I love to run. I love how it makes my head clear. I love how it makes my body tired. My muscles strong. My confidence bloom.

Post marathon, my next plan will be to add a 4th, then 5th, running day each week. I want the run more often. 3 days a week no longer satisfies me.

I would just love to be able to run every day without getting hurt.

I am finding that I don't have a place anywhere that I can talk about my running aspirations and ideas while fitting in. I am sure other runners feel emotional about running like I do, but I sure don't hear about it much. I feel like a gushy new mom, or a girl in first love. I just want to talk about it all the time, drool about it, plan it . . . and at best, I am boring the socks off of all the innocent bystanders. At worst, I am irritating them or offending them.

So, I've decided to do this gushing over here on my blog from now on instead of anywhere else. I figure that noone needs to read this unless the come here on purpose, so I can say whatever I want. If you don't want to hear it, then, by all means, please go read something else!

40 more hours until my next scheduled run, but I am really not 100% sure I can wait that long. I am really, really tempted to do my week's long run tomorrow instead of waiting until Saturday. But, then I'd just be delaying the inevitable, because then there'd need to be 3 days before the NEXT run, since next (training) week doesn't start until Monday. Damn.

I really need to run. Right now. At least tomorrow. Damn.

And, I have to say . . . I really love vinyasa yoga, especially hot yoga, and especially tonight's class since it was 75 min instead of 60 min. But, really, the yoga mellow still only lasts a couple hours for me. A run mellow, now that'll do me for 24 hours for sure. I need my fix. I want my fix.

I want to run. Every. Damn. Day.

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